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Aleksej Brkic

Belgrade, Serbia
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Aleksej Brkic studied architecture in Belgrade (1941-1948). His career begins in the early 1950's within the Yugoslavian social-realist milieu of "renewal and rebuilding". Brkic worked in Engineering and Design Bureau of Serbia 1949-1952; he is the founder of architectural bureaus "Invest project" in 1953; "Obelisk" (1957-1963); bureau "Vracar" and "Belgrade bureau". Most of his objects are constructed in Belgrade between 1953 and 1967. In his work, his starting points are Mies's formulas; he develops rational artism, which is purified by pure logic of geometry. In such an abstract concept, Brkic always introduces a riddle, a color or an ornament, which contributes to the vibrancy and amplifies specific artistic expression of his works. Brkic never accepted compromises. That is the reason he left practice and dedicated himself to theory of architecture - he is the founder of the "Symposium on the synthesis" in the 1970's. Brkic's book Signs in Stone: Serbian Modern Architecture 1930-1980 was published in 1992. This anthology work is based on the theoretical and philosophical reflections on the phenomenon of modern Serbian architecture, with the intent to promote the idea about the Belgrade school of architecture. In the 1990's he teaches the theory of architecture to the postgraduates at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. Aleksej Brkic is one of the rare Serbian architects who had visited, photographed and drawn all the important buildings of world architectural heritage. He elaborated and remodeled those first drafts, achieving considerable opus of extraordinary drawings. His diary from trip in America (1960) is impressive collection of his impressions, observations and illustrations.

His principal Works: "Hempro" building in Terazije Street in Belgrade (1953-1957); Gymnasium (High School) building in Vozdovac, Belgrade (1953-1955); Vracar Municipality building in Belgrade (1959-1962); Residential building in Jovanova Street in Belgrade (1958-1959); Social Security building in Nemanjina Street in Belgrade (1962); Commercial building in Njegoseva Street in Belgrade (1962-1967).

Selected Bibliography

Traveller's task, No.16, Belgrade (1962): pp. 42-43; Farewell to the wall, No. 27, Belgrade (1964): p. 39; The talk with the riddle lover, Vrnjacka banja (1975): pp.15-24; Inversion of dialectic of the shape], Belgrade (1978-1979); Signs in Stone: Serbian Modern Architecture 1930-1980, Belgrade (1992); Mitrovic M. Novija arhitektura Beograda [New Architecture of Belgrade], Belgrade (1978); Manevic Z.: Aleksej Brkic, Great Award of Architecture 11], Belgrade (1991); Straus, I. Arhitektura Jugoslavije [Architecture of Yugoslavia], Sarajevo (1991); Lexicon of Serbian Architects; Editor in Chief Manevic, Z. Belgrade (1999): 31-32; Kovacevic B.: Architect Aleksej Brkic, Umetnost 13, Belgrade (2001): 1-6; Miletic Abramovic Lj. In memoriam: Aleksej Brkic (1922-1999), Naslede 3, Belgrade (2001): 235-236; Bogunovic, S. G.: Architectural Encyclopedia of Belgrade 2, Belgrade (2005): 731-741.

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Belgrade, Serbia
bostjan, May 4th, 2014
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